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Everywhere in Life
At Luxfer, we believe that everyone should be able to explore environments with a sense of freedom and a feeling of absolute safety. We pioneer advances in gas containment that can improve the quality of people’s lives, their health, their wellbeing and their protection.
Our Markets

G-Stor® Pro Bundle
Introducing Luxfer Gas Cylinders’ new range of Multiple Cylinder Pallets (MCPs).

L7X Medical Oxygen Cylinders
We work closely with medical gas suppliers to ensure our products deliver for those who need them most.

G-Stor® Go H2
Luxfer’s G-Stor Go H2 products are the newest entry to our line of lightweight high-pressure hydrogen-storage cylinders.

The Luxfer ECLIPSE Pro3 is the core product of this evolution in cylinder technology, and is suitable for all SCBA professionals.
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