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RIVERSIDE, Calif.(BUSINESS WIRE) Luxfer Gas Cylinders will introduce its G-Stor Pro line of lightweight composite alternative fuel (AF) cylinders at the ACT Expo tradeshow June 24-27. ACT stands for alternative clean transportation. The tradeshow show will be held at the Walter E. Washington Convention Center in Washington, D.C.
The lightest-weight cylinders for containment of clean-burning, environmentally friendly compressed natural gas (CNG), Luxfer’s G-Stor Pro cylinders range in capacity from 9m3 (2.4 DGE) to more than 94m3 (24 DGE) when filled to full operating pressure of 3,600 psi (250 bar) and are offered with outside diameters of up to 16 inches. These Type 3 cylinders are made with seamless, homogenous aluminum liners fully wrapped with high-strength, aerospace-grade carbon fiber. The load-sharing liner provides an impermeable substructure for the wrapping, which creates an internal cylinder surface free from welds, joints and potential leak paths. Unlike permeable non-metallic, non-load-sharing liners, Luxfer aluminum liners present thermal dynamic characteristics that enable G-Stor Pro cylinders to be fast-filledóa significant productivity and cost benefit for busy vehicle fleets.
G-Stor Pro cylinders are designed and tested to meet global standards and regulations for a variety of applications around the world: CNG-powered automobiles; light, and medium-duty trucks, buses and coaches; and truck-mounted bulk gas-transportation modules and trailers. G-Stor Pro composite cylinders are 66% lighter than Type 1 all-metal steel cylinders and offer fleet operators improved fuel economy, increased range and significantly reduced vehicle maintenance costs due to lessened wear on brakes, tires and suspension systems. In haulage businesses, lower vehicle weights also allow higher payloads.
The G-Stor Pro line consists of cylinders produced at Luxfer’s main composite cylinder facility in Riverside, Calif., and the Calgary, Canada, facility formerly operated by Dynetek Industries. Luxfer acquired Dynetek in September 2012. ‘We are excited about the enhanced product range, technical expertise and manufacturing flexibility made possible by the acquisition of Dynetek,’ said Mark Lawday, Luxfer’s Director of Business Development for Alternative Fuel.
For additional information about Luxfer’s G-Stor Pro cylinders, visit or call Luxfer Customer Service toll-free at (800) 764-0366.
About Luxfer Gas Cylinders
With facilities in the United States, Canada, England, France, Germany and China, Luxfer Gas Cylinders is the worldís largest manufacturer of aluminum and composite high-pressure cylinders, including composite cylinders for the storage and transportation of CNG, bio-methane, hydrogen and other industrial gases. Luxfer composite cylinders are also used for containment of medical oxygen, breathing air for the firefighters and other first responders, and specialty electronic and calibration gases. Luxfer Gas Cylinders is an operating company of Luxfer Group (NYSE: LXFR).
CONTACT: Luxfer Gas Cylinders, Orion Goe, Marketing Manager, U.S.A. and Canada. Direct telephone: (951) 341-2348. E-mail: