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Leading hydrogen storage systems pioneer Luxfer Gas Cylinders is helping to power a fleet of zero-emission refuse trucks – created by Netherlands and Belgium-based sustainable vehicle manufacturer E-Trucks Europe – in an innovative partnership, reducing the amount of carbon dioxide (CO2) produced during waste collection.
The 10-strong fleet is currently being used in the Netherlands, Belgium and Germany, where all waste collection vehicles must be zero-emission by 2030.
Founded in 2010, E-Trucks initially designed and built electric trucks for collecting refuse. However, the six-hour lifespan of electric batteries led designers to consider hydrogen fuel, enabling the vehicles to operate for far longer. Depending on the size of the hydrogen tank, which can be 15, 20 or 30kg volume, the trucks can run for two days before requiring refuel.
It is estimated that each hydrogen refuse truck makes a saving of 30,000kg of CO2 each year – the equivalent of 18 return flights between London and New York .

The partnership between E-Trucks and Luxfer began in 2013, when the transport company consulted Luxfer on its proof of concept hydrogen vehicle. E-Trucks’ first three hydrogen waste collection trucks were built in 2018; it now runs a fleet of 10 hydrogen waste collection vehicles. This includes its new hydrogen truck rental programme, H2RenT2 – each powered via Luxfer’s hydrogen cylinders.
E-Trucks Europe integrates its fully hydrogen-electric drive train into a truck chassis with superstructure according to the operator’s specifications.
André Beukers, CEO, E-trucks said: “Luxfer has played a big part in helping to bring our initial vision to life. We consulted them because they were the only company in Europe building hydrogen storage tanks for mobility use, that had European certification.
“We design the frames for the hydrogen cylinders, and in collaboration with Luxfer, they make the hydrogen tanks in the frames and fit them. It’s been a great, easy working partnership from the outset, and now we’ve worked together for a number of years, it’s always a very straightforward process to achieve results.
“We’ve recently built our first truck for our new rental service, which is really exciting, as it enables operators who might be considering investing in hydrogen solutions to ‘try before they buy’ – letting them see how hydrogen can work for them, ahead of making the financial commitment. Our aim for H2RenT is to make hydrogen solutions more accessible, which is essential if hydrogen is to be used to its full potential across the transportation industry.
“We’re looking forward to working with Luxfer to explore new possibilities as the market grows further in the coming years.”
Jim Gregory, European Business Development Manager, Luxfer Gas Cylinders added: “It’s fantastic to see the results of our work with E-Trucks Europe, and we’re proud to play a part in the positive impact their vehicles are making in Europe. Conversions like theirs allow the hydrogen infrastructure to be tested and for demand to grow at a sustainable rate – they’re vital to the hydrogen economy. We’re excited to see E-Trucks Europe’ innovation in practice, as interest in hydrogen vehicle evolves even further.”
Luxfer Gas Cylinders is a gas storage pioneer – drawing from an 80-year legacy in gas cylinder production to drive alternative fuel solutions. Its expertise helps move governments closer to net zero carbon targets and is at the forefront of several world-first hydrogen transport projects, including the UK’s first retro-fitted hydrogen trains, HydroFLEX 1&2, 70 hydrogen double-decker buses operating across the UK, including Aberdeen and London and Energy Observer – the world’s first self-powered sailing boat.
2The Project “H2Rent” – stands for: Hydrogen (H2)REiNigingsTrucks. This project is made possible by the Demonstration regulation Climate Technologies and Innovation in Transport (DKTI-Transport ) from RVO (Rijksdienst Voor Ondernemend Nederland) and the Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management with reference: DKTI119003
About Luxfer Gas Cylinders
Luxfer Gas Cylinders ( is a leading manufacturer of high-pressure composite and aluminium cylinders. More than 70 million Luxfer cylinders in service around the world have an exemplary record for dependability and safety in a variety of applications, including firefighter and first-responder life support, medical, fire extinguishers, alternative fuel, specialty gas, beverage, aerospace, inflation, SCUBA and performance racing. An operating company of Luxfer Holdings PLC (NYSE:LXFR), Luxfer Gas Cylinders is based in Riverside, California, and has manufacturing facilities in the U.S., England, Canada, and China. For more information on Luxfer Gas Cylinders visit:
Issued on behalf of Luxfer Cylinders by The Tonic Communications. For more information contact or call 0115 8248254.
About E-Trucks Europe
E-Trucks Europe was established in 2010 by André Beukers. Since 2019, it has operated from two locations: Lommel, Belgium and Westerhoven, The Netherlands. Research, development and production takes place in Belgium.
The H2RenT project stands for ‘Hydrogen (H2)REiNigingsTrucks’. The project is made possible by the Demonstration regulation Climate Technologies and Innovation in Transport (DKTI-Transport) from RVO (Rijksdienst Voor Ondernemend Nederland) and the Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management, with reference: DKTI119003.